World president Sifu YAN Dinan welcomes YOU in our WKF SANDA-WUSHU division


Grandmaster Sifu YAN Dinan
Following our many members from all over the World, WKF head office started now with a new SANDA & WUSHU division.
This includes all Sanda male/female fighters, fill in the online profile, add a jpg photo to be listed in the SANDA World ranking.
For professionals we offer same SANDA title belts like in ring sport or MMA.
For Wushu we have our WKF Wushu forms and many more !

WKF Sanda LogoThe World Kickboxing Federation is one of the leading organisations World Wide in the promotion of amateurand professional kickboxing in all styles.

WUSHU LOGOMuay Thai and MMA -mixed martial arts hosting professional fighting events.

Our modern and interactive approach to this sport highlights our commitment to keeping you updated with the latest events taking place worldwide.

WKF CHINA International

The WKF SANDA & WUSHU DIVISION was formed in February 2015 in Seoul, Korea.

WKF stresses its strong belief in offering equal opportunities to sufficiently skilled athletes who have practised  Kickboxing, enabling them to display their talents in the National and International Amateur and Professional arenas.

Also to ensure the credibility of their “world championship” titles and gives these world class athletes an international platform on which to perform.

Read more here

WKF amateur division: PRO-AM is our top division

WKF PRO-AM continental Champion belt

From the beginning in WKF we split very clearly amateur and pro business, in ring sport as well as in PPF and MMA.

New is our SANDA & WUSHU division.

This is to follow many requests and wishes of our clients , managers and thousands of our fighters from all over the World. Today we are very successfully not only in pro sport but of course in amateur business too.


With great pleasure we want your poster of WKF sanctioned tournaments, with our logo on the poster. We would like to help with online advertising free of charge, of course. Short reports after would be great.

We just want to remind every WKF country president World wide to send fighter profiles of your amateurs or just non-professional male/female fighters in ring sport.We have same system like in other pro sport in WKF.

We offer the chance to fight in all 5 ring sport divisions for our great demand WKF Champion belts. Here are our 6 pro divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more.


Our WKF PRO AM titles has a great value because of our World wide network with today more than 140 member countries you have the chance to fight not only at home.

And no fighter will lose his/her amateur status , he/she can fight still on any tournament, any World Championship World wide. And you can be sure just to face another amateur fighter with perhaps 15 to 20 fights and not real pro with more than 100 fights.

The rules and regulations for PRO AM are easy to understand and waiting for your download.

All you have to do is just send your fighter profile and jpg photos like always and we post your team online in the PRO AM World ranking.

Because: only male/female fight in our PRO AM World ranking are qualified to fight for our WKF titles.

For further requests or interest on any possible PRO AM title fights do not hesitate to send a mail , please.


WKF PRO-AM World Champion belt
Four titles on just one event in Poland

MMA in the WKF World wide network

WKF MMA World champion
WKF MMA World champion belt


WKF – World Kickboxing Federation – is one of the greatest and World wide sanctioning body for Kick boxing and MMA in amateur and pro.

On our web site you could find all important facts and news about MMA in our World sanctioning body.

More than 5000 hits per month is the result of serious and hard work.

Just fill in the new online fighter profile here, add a jpg photo and we will post all male/female in our MMA  World ranking.

For any requests contact our MMA head office by mail and visit our main web site .

WKF MMA continental Champion belt

WKF BOXING / BKFC – new World division

Daniel Z. HIRLAU

Dear sports friends,

on March 1st, 2024, a new WKF Division Worldwide began work.

By athletes – for athletes!

The aim is not to compete with existing associations, but rather to complement them with significantly less bureaucracy and fewer annoying, outdated regulations.

In collaboration with all of our 140+ WKF country presidents with the new WKF department “BOXING/BKFC”, we are also internationally networked on 6 continents in over 140 nations.

The Hungarian expert Daniel Z. HIRLAU became world president of the new division since March 1st, 2024.

From now on, ALL BOXERS – women and men – can use our free offer and apply for inclusion in the BOXING World rankings via the FIGHTER PROFILE. Free and non-bureaucratic!

The international WKF license applies to all boxers as well!


For PROFI boxers, a corresponding license and registration in BOXREC is mandatory!

All registrations should be sent directly to the BOXING head office, Mr. Hirlau,

by email:

Anyone with a WKF license and a valid medical certificate is eligible to participate.

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help you at any time.

contact mail:  Ő beszél magyarul / English oder Deutsch

respectfully greetings

Daniel Z. HIRLAU


WKF fighters license for all WKF Championships


WKF 6 continent Banner_web

World Championships 2024 in Spain !!!

full information here

To all our strong WKF Australian and Oceania member countries,

Champions and our

best referees!


Información completa siempre en español  AQUÍ

Вся информация на русском языке

TOP NEWS: username and access NOW available on request

registration NOW open until November 1st





president of WKF ESPAÑA, Juan PINILLA

The whole world will meet after Cairo 2021 , in November 18th to 22nd 2024 in Alicante, Spain and many strong teams from Europe, North America and Latin America, Asia, and Africa will challenge our best Australian & Oceania Champions !

In order to stay at the top of the world rankings,

Australia needs all of our best fighters, male and females

We want to challenge the world!

Full information and updates as always HERE:

Weekend before is the usual World referee Seminar !

At least one of your officials must be there to get WKF license.


I’ll see you all in Spain in November 2024



Juan PINILLA, President


We look forward to working with new experts who would like to represent their country as the new WKF country President.

Interested in working in a large world association? 

Send us a non-binding email with your inquiry!

Malaysia vs PNG on September 15th

Malaysia vs PNG

Our high respected president WKF Papua New Guinea Mr. Stanley NANDEX announce next high class event in Port Moresby!





He is preparing to host few international bouts and title fights in PNG on the 15th  September 2024 in Port Moresby at the Hilton Hotel. 

This is today’s preliminary professional fight card:

World title WKF 75kg K1 between , Jeffrey Daka of PNG vs Chee Lian Kai Malaysia.  (Jeffrey is current Continental and  Intercontinental title champion)

Intercontinental Title 60kg k1 rule between Kaupa Omena PNG vs Chia Zhen Cheng Malaysia. (Kaupa is Currently south Pacific and international champion) 

PNG Kickboxing Federation, president Stanley NANDEX

Intercontinental Title 81kg KB rule between Nelson Samson PNG vs Naavin The Talis Malaysia ( Nelson is also Currently  International title champion )

Continental Title 63,5kg  K1 rule between Thomas Kagili PNG vs Wei Kang Malaysia. (Thomas is current Australian and International champion)

International title 67kg K1 rule  between Bata Kai PNG vs Lucyfur King Malaysia. ( Bata is currently PNG champion)

International title 67kg lowkick rule between Ms Arthur James PNG  vs Ameera Aisyah Malaysia. ( Currently Arthur is current PNG champion

More updates and photos coming soon, – stay tunded !

PRIOR NOTICE / Vorankündigung / AVIS PRÉALABLE / 事先通知 / Предварительное извещение / preaviso / aviso prévio / पूर्व सूचना

full invitation is HERE

To all strong

WKF member


World wide

male / female


and our best



The whole world will meet after Cairo 2021 in November 18th to 22nd 2024 in Spain and many strong teams from

Europe, North America and Latin America, Asia, Africa and of course Australia

will challenge all the best male and female champions to win the crown of world champion !   In order to stay at the top of the world rankings, WKF needs all of our best fighters, women and men!

first time also with amateur BOXING – MALE AND FEMALES

Información completa siempre en español  AQUÍ

Вся информация на русском языке

TOP NEWS: username and access NOW available on request

registration NOW open until November 1st


I am looking forward to welcoming you all in my city Alicante, Spain  18th to 22nd November 2024

Bienvenido a España!

1964  to  2024 – 60 Years  WKF