Breaking news from Papua New Guinea!

PNG Kickboxing Federation, Chief Stanley Nandex





The MRDC 28th National Kickboxing championships from 22nd to 23rd  December 2023 at YC Hall Goroka, EHP ended up successfully.

More then 120 fighters both male and female age groups from 12 yrs and over who showcased their skills and talents to secure themselves for Kickboxing World Cup in Spain in November 2024.


President of the PNG Kickboxing Federation, Chief Stanley Nandex said, he was overwhelmed by the attendance particularly the provinces like,  Hela, SHP, Enga, Mt Hagen, Jiwaka, Chimbu, Goroka, Madang,  Lae and NCD for taking part in the two days event. He said the event was part of the final selection after the first selection was done in Port Moresby during the regional championships in June 2023. Nandex said through this selection process,  lot of potential fighters both male and female fighters were identified from four regions to represent the country for the world cup in 2024.

He said PNG has a natural ability and potential in Kickboxing sport which is part our strength to win major international events. Nandex said government should be focusing and investing on sports that has higher potentials like Kickboxing, but  its very unfair that less attention and support has been  given to this date.

PNG Chief Stanley Nandex

He said since the selection is made , the PNG Kickboxing Federation will be working hard to do all the fundraising drive to take the team for the world meet.  He also want to thank MRDC for the sponsorship in hosting the 28th National Kickboxing championships successfully. 

The highlight of Event was to witness the main event between Bata Kai of SHP vs  Joseph Amanah of EHP,   the fight went distance after 3 rounds  and had a draw and extention of one more minute but Amanah could not continue due to injury sustained so the victory went to Bata Kai who  won on TKO.

 In the female main event , International WKF gold Medalist Mainella Kambar was not a visitor representing NCD in 70kg who took on Arthur James of Flame Fight Gym Goroka.  The fight was one of the best highlights of the tournament when YC Hall became on fire and alive  , supporters screening as originally both fighters Mainella represents Simbu and Arthur EHP.  The fight went distance and had a draw in the final round. Arthur who came in very strong with hard punches while Mainella took the fight under control with both combinations of Kick punch but couldn’t resist the power of Arthur who came very strong and won by enormous decision.

In overall Medal-Tally from eight (8) participating clubs and associations,  the 27th National Kickboxing championships title went to Team Simbu with 11 Golds, 4 Silver,  2nd Runner-up went to Team SHP with 10 Golds, 2 silver, 3rd place goes to Team WHP with 6 gold , 2 silver, 4th place went to , Team Morobe with 4 Golds,  2 silver 5th place went to Team Jiwaka with 4 Golds 1 Silver,  6th place went to Team Enga with 3 Golds , 7th Place went to Team Team Hela with 2 Golds 2 silver,  and the 8th place went to NCD with 2 Golds 1 silver.

Nandex said, the announcement of the national selection for the 2024 world cup in Spain in November will be made soon.


Prepared and authorized by  PNGKBF

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!

Nous vous souhaitons un Joyeux Noel et une Bonne Année!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és boldog új évet!

Prajeme Vam krasne Vianoce a stastny novy rok!

Přejeme Vám krásné Vánoce a šťastný nový rok!

Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!

Vesel bôžič in srečno novo leto!

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!


메리 크리스마스, 해피 뉴 이어!

С Рождеством и Новым Годом!

WKF amateur division: PRO-AM is our fourth pro division

WKF PRO-AM continental Champion belt

From the beginning in WKF we split very clearly amateur and pro business,

in ring sport as well as in PPF and MMA.

New is our SANDA & WUSHU division.

This is to follow many requests and wishes of our clients , managers and thousands of our fighters from all over the World. Today we are very successfully not only in pro sport but of course in amateur business too.





With great pleasure we want your poster of WKF sanctioned tournaments, with our logo on the poster. We would like to help with online advertising free of charge, of course. Short reports after would be great.

We just want to remind every WKF country president World wide to send fighter profiles of your amateurs or just non-professional male/female fighters in ring sport.We have same system like in other pro sport in WKF.

We offer the chance to fight in all 5 ring sport divisions for our great demand WKF Champion belts. Here are our 5 pro divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more.





Our WKF PRO AM titles has a great value because of our World wide network with today more than 140 member countries you have the chance to fight not only at home.

And no fighter will lose his/her amateur status , he/she can fight still on any tournament, any World Championship World wide. And you can be sure just to face another amateur fighter with perhaps 15 to 20 fights and not real pro with more than 100 fights.

The rules and regulations for PRO AM are easy to understand and waiting for your download.

All you have to do is just send your fighter profile and jpg photos like always and we post your team online in the PRO AM World ranking.

Because: only male/female fight in our PRO AM World ranking are qualified to fight for our WKF titles.

For further requests or interest on any possible PRO AM title fights do not hesitate to send a mail , please.


WKF PRO-AM World Champion belt
Four titles on just one event in Poland

World president Sifu YAN Dinan welcomes YOU in our WKF SANDA-WUSHU division

Grandmaster Sifu YAN Dinan

Following our many members from all over the World, WKF head office started now with a new SANDA & WUSHU division.

This includes all Sanda male/female fighters, fill in the online profile, add a jpg photo to be listed in the SANDA World ranking.
For professionals we offer same SANDA title belts like in ring sport or MMA.
For Wushu we have our WKF Wushu forms and many more !

WUSHU LOGOThe World Kickboxing Federation is one of the leading organisations World Wide in the promotion of amateurand professional kickboxing in all styles.

Muay Thai and MMA -mixed martial arts hosting professional fighting events.

Our modern and interactive approach to this sport highlights our commitment to keeping you updated with the latest events taking place worldwide.


WKF CHINA International

The WKF SANDA & WUSHU DIVISION was formed in February 2015 in Seoul, Korea.

WKF stresses its strong belief in offering equal opportunities to sufficiently skilled athletes who have practised  Kickboxing, enabling them to display their talents in the National and International Amateur and Professional arenas.

Also to ensure the credibility of their “world championship” titles and gives these world class athletes an international platform on which to perform.

Read more here

MMA in the WKF World wide network

WKF MMA World champion
WKF MMA World champion belt


WKF – World Kickboxing Federation – is one of the greatest and World wide sanctioning body for Kick boxing and MMA in amateur and pro.

On our web site you could find all important facts and news about MMA in our World sanctioning body.

More than 5000 hits per month is the result of serious and hard work.

Just fill in the new online fighter profile here, add a jpg photo and we will post all male/female in our MMA  World ranking.

For any requests contact our MMA head office by mail and visit our main web site .



WKF MMA continental Champion belt

Challenge for ANY girl for K-1 fight in Australia and Oceania









KNOCK-OUT sport promotions in Vienna, Austria, is one of the oldest promoter on the European market, with more than 160 events in 40 Years of experience.


To all serious promoter in Australia:


Austrian Alexandra PETRE is today one of best female European Heavyweight + 66Kg / 145 lbs, she want to fight K-1 vs. any Australian girl 5 X 2 as well.

Some of the “Super Champions” of other associations in this women’s heavyweight class avoid the fight, try not to fight Alexandra.

“GODZILLA” is currently number 1 in the WKF PRO-AM and GBF world rankings and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable REAL opponents.

Many of the girls are just Internet champions or on Instagram.

Is it because Alexandra is so strong today or because she has 12 KO wins in a row?



Her remarkable fight record in K-1 today is:


39 fights, 35 wins, 12 by KO


„You are not a Champion if you never have beaten the best European Girl“ … Alexandra said!




This young talented girl is just 21 Years old and and became a four-time world champion in three different Ring sport disciplines on the last World Championships in Cairo.


Alexandra PETRE is 9 times WKF European Champion and currently one of the best fighters in the ladies K-1 heavyweight division in Europe.

Petre is looking for any suitable opponent for a 5 X 2 minute K-1 duel. Also Boxing in Ladies Heavyweight is possible.

All interested girls have a chance of this fight. Alexandra wants to compete against the best heavyweight girl anywhere in the world.

Against any suitable female opponent in Ladies heavyweight + 66 Kg / + 145 lbs!


If you were looking for an opponent for YOUR HEAVYWEIGHT Girl

at YOUR NEXT EVENT, it would be a great fight!


All you have to do is fill out the fighter profile and attach a good 2-3 jpg photo and email it.

Next WKF World referee seminar in Slovenia, October 26th

last World referee Seminar 2022

Our European Championships are in Trieste, Italy, October 26th to 29th.
World referee Seminar in Slovenia

Our next WKF World referee seminar is first time in history in Slovenija on Thursday, October 26th in Škofije, just 15Km from Trieste.
Referees can not be in duty by us without an official WKF license, and without WKF fighter license is no fight.
WKF EUROPE continental federation expect now after Covid again more than 25 countries from all over Europe, in October 26th to 29th 2023
Many competitors in all WKF disciplines,  6 Forms divisions and Semi contact , Light contact and kick-light on Tatami, ring sport in 4 disciplines and MMA
Just Thursday before is the upcoming annual
WKF World referee seminar
Best chance to get or extend international Referee license as well.
Each country must bring to continental an World championships at least one WKF licensed referee or pay cash 300 .- Euro/USD deposit!

The Clash of the Regions …

WKF PNG president Mr. Stanley NANDEX

...  Highlands and Southern Kickboxing Extravaganza,  end on a good note. 
More 72 fighters including 6 female fighters completed its  one day event on the 8th  June 2023 at the Sir John guise stadium on Thursday the 8th June 2023 which started at 3pm with the opening Bouts and ended around 11pm.
President of the
Chief. Stanley Nandex said, after going through some challenges with the change of date from the 4th June to 8th June has interrupted its audiences and other minor sponsors but have managed to pull off the event on  a good note.

From 72 contestants in to two Regions Highlands and Southern has completed with the result been in favour of Highlands Regions who claimed the 2023 winners of the Clash of the Regions. 
33 bouts and the overall Medal Tally in favour of Highlands region winning 18 bouts and Southern with 15 wins. 
The trophy for male division was awarded to Highlands region while  Southern region also took the female division.
Team coach  and international fighter for team Southern, Nelson Samson said he was impressed with the fighters both the male and female for putting up the fight. He said they will look forward to challenge the Clash of the Regions next year. He also congratulate the female division for claiming the title. 
Team manager for Highlands region,  Mr Kaupa Omena said , he is very proud with with the performances and said the team was very focused and they deserve the victory for event to have come down this far  with much  expenses and claim the Clash of the Regions title. 
President Mr Stanley Nandex,  said he also  confirms that the Clash of the Regions Kickboxing Showdown will be a yearly event and he congratulate both regions for putting up a good show. 
Nandex also thanked the Hon. Governor for NCD  Powes Parkop MP, LLB for coming on board  to become the major sponsor of the event.

News from Port Moresby in PNG

Female Kickboxing League President, Ms Lyn Pokam from left receiving 100 tshirts from Marlene Jockins Right.( sponsor SP Brewery PNG Ltd a local Brewer company.



president Mr. Stanley NANDEX report:





Today we received a 100 tshirts from our sponsor the SP Brewery a local Brewer company.  


The Slogan is about  Promoting the Awareness on Domestic violence against Women and Girls relating alcohol. 
As an organization,  we are proud to associate with SP Brewery to promote the  Awareness campaign to partner with us in this initiative.  
We also planned to have our two international events this year 2023 in September and December.  
Dates will be confirmed soon after the venues are secured with the sponsorship. 
WKF PNG president Mr. Stanley NANDEX