PNG Kickboxing Federation is preparing for another amateur Kickboxing championships early this year, bill as the Highlands Regional Kickboxing Championship from the 16th – 17th March 2024.
The event will be held in Wabag town in Enga Province known for the the world’s Largest Pogera Gold Mine situated in the Highlands part of PNG.
Seven provinces in the Highlands region are preparing to attend with fighters age from 12 years over both male and female.

Mr Nandex said, selection towards the world cup will be tough process and only the best of the best both male and female will be selected to represent the country for the world meet. Nandex further elaborated that 4x regional championships have been programed this year with the national championships in June to determine the full team for the world cup.
He said Team PNG will be looking forward to team up with Australia and New Zealand as a strong Oceania team from the Region for the World Championships in Spain
November 11th to 16th